Video Interview: Maintaining Open Space
Starts at 8:50
The Neighborhood News Network interviews Joel Engardio about what City Hall must do to maintain open space in San Francisco.
Triangle Park and many more forgotten mini-parks like it throughout San Francisco have a new relevance in the pandemic era. Now that social distancing is the norm, residents need every patch of land they can find to safely exercise, walk dogs or just sit in the fresh air. Yet too many places like Triangle Park are unusable with waist-high weeds, trash and hazardous conditions. City Hall needs to get the Triangle Parks of San Francisco into shape. City Hall can still cut the weeds even as it cuts the budget. Besides filling potholes, there’s no city service more basic. Now is the time to focus on the basics. It’s been too long since City Hall got those right.
Joel Engardio is a candidate for supervisor on San Francisco’s westside in District 7. Learn more about his views on local issues at